Why would anyone write another blog about the French Revolution?
The early stages of the French Revolution are well documented as is Napoleon’s rise and fall.
But the years between the restoration of the monarchy when Napoleon is sent to St. Helena and the start of the Third Republic in 1870 are glossed over. My intention is to shine the light on these years.
The years of revolt during the restoration are the years another Napoleon, Prince Louis Napoleon, grows up and follows the path of his uncle. He finds a perfect partner in an unknown soldier called Persigny.
His contribution has been overlooked by by the Third Republic who chose to take all the glory
When he leaves France in 1870, France has become a modern, commercial democracy with close ties with England. Never again will the Church and the Royals have power in France. The Third republic will last a long time.
The French Revolution is over! But the caldron still bubbles from time to time!
Who started the French Revolution?
Was the blood thirsty and destructive mob to blame or was the King a tyrant who would accept no changes?
The Dutch celebrate Napoleon’s departure
This is a complicated cartoon with many classical references and I wonder how many you can identify!
Napoleon sent to Elba
This political cartoon mocks Napoleon as he prepares to leave for Elba but for my part I think the jubilant onlookers are counting their chickens before they are hatched and I wonder what you think?